Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Owl3D?
Owl3D is an advanced 2D to 3D video converter, powered by artificial intelligence. It can transform a range of visual content including videos and images into immersive, stereoscopic 3D. This can be enjoyed on various platforms like AR/VR devices or any 3D compatible hardware.
Q: What sets Owl3D apart from other 2D to 3D video converters?
Owl3D differs from traditional converters by leveraging the power of AI to generate highly accurate 3D information from 2D inputs. Instead of using pixel colors for estimation, Owl3D uses AI with billions of parameters predicts and generates detailed depth data, creating a more immersive 3D experience.
Q: What kind of videos are compatible with Owl3D?
Owl3D can process a wide variety of videos, thanks to its AI capabilities. You can convert movies, documentaries, music videos, animations, and many other forms of video content into 3D with ease.
Q: Owl3D seems to take some time processing videos. Are there plans to improve this?
Absolutely. While Owl3D is currently in its beta phase, we are prioritizing the creation of high-quality 3D content. Speed optimizations are definitely on our roadmap and users can expect quicker processing times in future updates.
Q: Does Owl3D have a free trial?
We offer an unlimited free trial of Owl3D that delivers the same quality of 3D conversion as the premium version. However, the free version has certain limitations regarding the length and resolution of videos that can be processed.